Please Pray My Family Through this Last Hurdle/Vulnerability Time!

Helen from CalvaryCouponers Family Please Pray

Hi There, this is me, your friendly Calvary Couponers blogger, Helen 🙂  As many of you probably have noticed, my blogging has slowed way down of late.  After some soul searching, I’ve decided to let you into the reason why with an end result of hoping I can get some of you to lend me some major prayer support, and also to let you see that I fully understand and can relate to those of you going through hard times financially and how it can affect family issues.  (Also because my mom already knows now and if a family members reads this and tries to blab to her, she’ll already know. I try to keep as much worry from my mom as possible!)

First of all, Calvary Couponers isn’t going anywhere 🙂  I’ve been needing some down time to handle an issue my family and I have been dealing with for well over a year now (which I’ve alluded to here from time to time without going into details)…saving our home.  I’ve needed a little mental health time and time to focus on prayer and trying to make sense of things…

We’ve been working with a HUD counselor in Akron since a year ago this past January trying to get the state’s program, Save the Dream approved to save our home. There has been a ton of forms to fill out (the same forms multiple times in varying ways), documents to turn in, emails sent back and forth, spreadsheets to compile full of medical bills (mostly my husband’s in regards to his kidney transplant and other health issues and we have one child, a son who is eleven who is non verbal with autism) and lots and lots of prayer and seeking God through it all.

We’re in our final appeal and it seemed like things were going smoothly, but then a little over a week ago we were served with papers that there would be a sheriff’s sale to sell our home on May 22nd if a court stay wasn’t issue before then.  I went into panic mode….full of anxiety.Very very depressed and trying to make sense of it and figure out what to do and how to do it.  Then yesterday came a call from the bank telling my husband they were “dotting the I’s and crossing the T’s” to finally approve us for the mortgage remodification we’ve been seeking for so long and accepting our Save the Dream application.  They just needed us to bring a copy of our homeowner’s insurance declaration to our local lender’s office for them to fax to the main office that’s dealing with our case (which we did yesterday).

So…this past week has been a roller coaster emotionally and mentally…I’ve been a nervous wreck!  So now we wait on that final answer and hoping to hear the word “approved” at long last.  Last week I felt like I had a 20,000 pound gorilla sitting on my chest.  Then yesterday like 15,000 pounds of it was removed.  I so want the last of that beast gone!  They’re supposed to contact us by the end of the week.

Vulnerable?  Do I feel vulnerable putting this out there for all to read?  You BET I do!  But…on a blog that’s based on my faith in Jesus Christ, I need to ask you all for your prayers for the Lord to give us favor and let this go through at long last. I also feel the need to be vulnerable to my readers so you know that you’re reading a blog that totally gets it to be a struggling family trying to make ends meet.  I totally see the need to save money everywhere you can.  I also need to share my journey with you so that you can see how the Lord brings me out the other side. Because He is faithful and is guiding me through all of this.  I’ve learned more about trusting Him through this than ever, and I’ve built a much stronger prayer life through this than ever before.

We’re down to the wire now.  Won’t you come alongside my family and pray us through this final hurdle?  Thanks so much and God bless you!  I’ll keep you updated…

(I’ll be posting a few posts with my weekly printable coupons right after I post this, but more than likely things will be quiet here at CCC this week as we await the news…. please don’t give up on me and I promise to be back in full swing soon here sharing deals and savings where I can find them for you and I both!)

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